At Chettinad Dental & CraniomaxillofacialCenter, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch facilities to ensure comprehensive care for our patients. Our facilities are designed to provide a comfortable and efficient experience for our patients.
In-House Pharmacy
Conveniently located for easy access
Stocks a wide range of medications for dental and facial treatments
Spacious Waiting Area
Comfortable seating for patients and their families
Equipped with amenities for a relaxing experience
Medical Lab
Fully equipped for routine blood and urine investigations
Enables swift diagnosis and treatment planning
Comprehensive Dental Treatments
Expert care for the entire face, including dental and facial treatments
Sophisticated Laboratory Technology
Advanced tools for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning
Digital X-Rays and Imaging
High-quality images for precise diagnosis and treatment
Advanced Equipment
Facial trauma kits for emergency care
Latest technology for precise diagnosis and treatment
Computerized Patient Management System
Secure and efficient data management
Streamlined appointment scheduling and communication
In-House Dental Lab
Convenient and efficient dental prosthetics and restorations